Description | Example | Return Message | Group(s)

SCHED: EditAssignment


SCHED / EditAssignment '<TaskId>' '<AssignmentId>' <Optional ShrinkToTimeslot> <StartTime> <StopTime> '<Optional AssignmentPossibilityName>'


The SCHED EditAssignment Connect command edits an assignment with ID <AssignmentId> and task with ID "TaskId" in the active schedule.


  • TaskId: This parameter is a string of text in single quotes of the task ID for which to edit an assignment.
  • AssignmentId: This parameter is an integer for the ID of the assignment for which to edit encapsulated in single quotes.
  • Optional ShrinkToTimeslot: An optional parameter: use ShrinkToTimeslot to automatically increase the assignment start times and decrease the assignment stop times so that they do not overrun timeslot boundaries.
  • StartTime: The format is YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS or YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS.fff for the assignment's start time.
  • StopTime: The format is YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS or YYYY/MM/DD_HH:MM:SS.fff for the assignment's stop time.
  • Optional AssignmentPossibilityName: An optional parameter: The comma delimited list wrapped in single quotes of resources to use for this assignment. If omitted, the assignment's associated resources will not be altered. If included, the assignment's associated resources will be changed to the resources specified in this parameter.


Example 1

Edits an assignment with ID 1 for a task named DemoTask in the active schedule
SCHED / EditAssignment 'DemoTask' '1' 2022/11/21_05:00:00 2022/11/21_05:10:00

<CommandName>SCHED / EditAssignment

Example 2

Edits an assignment with ID 1 for a task named DemoTask in the active schedule and increases the specified StartTime value and/or decreases the specified StopTime value as applicable to fit within the task's timeslots.
SCHED / NewAssignment 'DemoTask' ShrinkToTimeslot 2022/11/21_05:00:00 2022/11/21_05:10:00

<CommandName>SCHED / NewAssignment

Return Message

If successful, Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


